Builders already have tremendous responsibilities to their clients and their crews. A successful project has to be cost-effective, efficient and safe for all involved. But they also have a responsibility to do their work with as much care for the environment as possible. This is especially true for projects that are built on or near sensitive wetland areas.

The impact of construction work can be harmful to these fragile ecosystems and, if damaged, they can take decades to heal. However, with the proper environmental protection plan in place, contractors can meet all their obligations without major disruptions to their operations. Here are some of the key factors to consider when creating such a plan for your next construction project.

  • Habitats — The presence of personnel and heavy equipment can create severe problems for wildlife in the area. Working without care can destroy animals’ habitats, causing them to flee the area and break the food chain of the local ecosystem. This is why builders should be prepared to encounter nests and burrows and have a plan for relocating or avoiding them.
  • Waste products — Most construction job sites generate their share of hazardous waste. If not disposed of properly, this waste can pollute the area’s soil and water. Containing and safely disposing of materials such as asbestos, lead and mercury should be a high priority for any contractor.
  • Soil compaction — The pressure exerted by cranes, bulldozers and other large-scale machinery can impair the soil’s ability to support plant life, impacting the larger ecosystem. One of the best methods of mitigating this sort of damage is by using construction mats for heavy equipment. The timber mats are used to create temporary roadways and access points that allow machines to travel the site without directly impacting the ground. As a leader in access matsYAK MAT can provide ideal solutions for building in fragile environments.


In addition to the attention given to a job site’s wildlife and vegetation, plans also need to consider the health of the people who work and live there. This includes removing hazardous waste as well as designating specific access points for equipment.

Being mindful of the ecological impact of construction is just one of the many responsibilities contractors must meet. Having a comprehensive plan is the key to success in any aspect of building and this is no different.